TIE Exams

Preparation for the A1-B1 Levels

Candidates must undertake the mandatory preparation for the examination, which involves the preparation of standard, pre-specified tasks. These tasks form the framework within which Candidates select their own topics and materials and decide how they develop each task, preferably under guidance from their school or their own tie tutor.

In preparation for the examination Candidates are required to:

  • Carry out an Investigation (or mini project) on a topic of interest, through reading and/or listening to various sources to gather information.
  • Read a Book/graded Reader in English in order to be able to speak or write about it.
  • Keep a Logbook, in which they record information about the preparation they have undertaken.

The Logbook

Candidates must bring their logbook with them to the examination session. This is a folder in which Candidates record the information about the preparation they have undertaken. They should bring their logbook into the Spoken TIE examination.
The logbook may be hand-written or typed. The logbook is NOT assessed or awarded a grade; however, the logbook must be presented to the Interlocutor in order for the Candidate to fulfil the examination requirements.

The Investigation

The investigation, or mini-project, is an essential component of the Spoken TIE examination.
The investigation should be on a topic selected by the Candidate and they should bring their project with them to the examination sessions (in the logbook). The project can be hand written or typed and must be supported by visuals and should be at least 2/3 pages long. The Candidate must be prepared to present their findings and answer questions about the topic.
Candidates are NOT assessed on the accuracy of the content of their investigation.
A Candidate who does not present an investigation for the Spoken TIE will be automatically awarded a DNF (Did Not Fulfil requirements) grade.

The Book

The book is an essential component of the Spoken TIE.
Candidates should select and read a book in preparation for the examination session. The book must be in English and a whole class should not work on the same book. The Candidate must be prepared to present the book and answer questions about the book they have read.
At A1-B1 levels, the Candidate will be expected to speak about the book in the Spoken TIE examination.
For Candidates entering the A1-B1 TIE examinations, a Graded Reader at the target level may be appropriate. English course books or magazines are not permitted.

Spoken TIE Examination Summary A1–B1
Step Task Summary Timings
1. Introduction: Conversation (Spontaneous) Personal introductions Exchange of personal information(All Candidates) Candidates listen and talk to the interlocutor and each other, to introduce each other and exchange personal information. 4 minutes (for two Candidates)
5-6 minutes (for three Candidates)
2. Investigation (Prepared) Presentation and discussion of Investigation (All Candidates) In turn, each Candidate refers to their Logbook and presents their project. Both Candidates comment on the other’s project and respond to questions from the Interlocutor/each other. 5-6 minutes (for two Candidates)
8-9 minutes (for three Candidates)
3. The Book(Prepared) Presentation and discussion of the book(All Candidates) One Candidate presents their book and answers questions from the Interlocutor/the other Candidate. 5-6 minutes (for two Candidates)
8-9 minutes (for three Candidates)
4. Talking about Photos(Spontaneous) Each Candidate talks about a photo they are presented with and answers questions in relation to the photo.(All Candidates) Candidates look at and talk about the visuals and respond to questions from the Interlocutor/each other. 3-4 minutes (for two Candidates)
5-6 minutes (for three Candidates)
Total Examination Time 20 minutes (for two Candidates)
30 minutes (for three Candidates)

Written TIE Examination Summary A1–B1
Step Task Summary Timings
1. Prepared Writing Candidates are asked to complete a form, which contains some simple and more complex features. The form consists of three sections and requires single-word responses and responses requiring full sentence answers. 25 minutes
2. Spontaneous Writing Candidates are asked to produce a text, which is an informal, friendly letter/ email, postcard or note on a familiar topic of personal interest, or a short story, choosing one from a set of two options.

Approximate Word Count:
• A1: minimum 40 words
• A2: minimum 60 words
• B1: minimum 100 words
25 minutes
Total Examination Time 50 minutes